RAMSAR listed wetlands of North Stradbroke Island
North Stradbroke Island has a complex network of wetlands which are internationally recognised through the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty for the conservation and sustainability of wetlands.
Straddie”s wetlands are included within the Moreton Bay RAMSAR site, which is recognised as one of the World””s premier wetlands. The wetlands and waterways of Moreton Bay are home to a wide diversity of plants and animals and are essential feeding and resting areas for local and migratory birds. Migratory birds travel from up to 13 000 km away (Siberia) and require wetlands such as those in Moreton Bay to feed. These birds feed and rest at these wetlands and store energy as fat for their long flight north.
The mangroves in Moreton Bay, including on Straddie, are very important habitat fish and crustacean nurseries. Keeping these ecosystems healthy means that fish and crustaceans can reproduce.

Map from Wetland”s International’s Ramsar Sites Information Service.