Our Story
Save Straddie carries out independent research into issues, and Government policies and decisions impacting North Stradbroke Island (popularly known as Straddie), and Moreton Bay. We often investigate and report (on our website and/or our Facebook Page) what mainstream media does not, or which they report in inaccurate or misleading ways.
Save Straddie works to ensure Stradbroke and the adjacent Moreton Bay, are protected and preserved for current and future generations to enjoy. In the past, Save Straddie worked towards ending all sand mining on the Island, known to Aboriginal people as Terangeri, or Minjerribah (see below). Sand mining went on for far too long, but mines started to close from 2013 when the Vance silica sand mine closed following controversy over the mining company unlawfully selling non-mineral sand from the site for landscaping and other purposes on the mainland.

    In this session we will cover:
    • Understanding the charity landscape

    WHEN -  Tuesday, 25 October 2022

    Invite for Introductory Governance Training


    Have you had some new Directors join your Board? Are there some

    We’d like to invite your Directors and senior executives to attend our Introductory Charity Governance Training session.

    In this session we will cover:
    • Understanding the charity landscape

    WHEN -  Tuesday, 25 October 2022

    To register, please email

    Numbers are limited to 15

    Introductory Charity Governance Training session

    18 Mile Swamp, looking down from theh escarpement
    18 Mile Swamp, part of the Moreton Bay Ramsar Wetland site